Global Selection Programme Entry 2025
Opens 28 Aug 2024 01:00 PM (CEST)
Deadline 28 Nov 2024 01:00 PM (CET)

Global Selection Programme (GSP) Entry 2025

Thank you for your interest in applying to UWC via the Global Selection Programme (GSP), for entry into the IB Diploma Programme in September 2025 (January 2026 at Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa). Please be advised that this application programme is for full fee-paying students only and there are no scholarships available. 

Early decision*

  • Applications open: 28 August 2024 
  • Applications close: 28 November 2024

General decision

  • Applications open: 29 November 2024
  • Applications close: 30 April 2025

*Apply early if you need a decision by January 2025. If you miss the deadline for early decision, your application will still be valid and be submitted under General Decision. 

Please note that each GSP application submitted requires an application fee. The Entry 2025 (2026 for Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa)  non-refundable application fee is £250. 

For this application period, you can apply to the following UWC schools: 

You can view brochures for each school by clicking on the school names in the fee table below and in the school selection table.

UWC School or College
Cost of two-year IBDP tuition fees
UWC Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa(Eswatini)

Between USD 30,000 and USD 50,000

UWC East Africa (Tanzania)  

UWC Mahindra College (India)

Between USD 61,000 and USD 80,000
UWC Costa Rica

UWC Dilijan (Armenia)

UWC Maastricht (Netherlands)

UWC Red Cross Nordic (Norway)

Between USD 81,000 and USD 90,000
UWC Changshu China


Pearson College UWC (British Columbia, Canada)

UWC-USA (New Mexico, USA)

UWC Thailand
Between USD 91,000 and USD 110,000

UWC Atlantic (Wales, UK)

Li Po Chun UWC of Hong Kong

Between USD 111,000 and USD 150,000

For more detailed information on the individual school’s tuition fees, please contact the Admissions teams at the relevant schools.

If you have any questions about the application process please find out more information on our website or email 

Good luck with your application!


Global Selection Programme Entry 2025

Global Selection Programme (GSP) Entry 2025

Thank you for your interest in applying to UWC via the Global Selection Programme (GSP), for entry into the IB Diploma Programme in September 2025 (January 2026 at Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa). Please be advised that this application programme is for full fee-paying students only and there are no scholarships available. 

Early decision*

  • Applications open: 28 August 2024 
  • Applications close: 28 November 2024

General decision

  • Applications open: 29 November 2024
  • Applications close: 30 April 2025

*Apply early if you need a decision by January 2025. If you miss the deadline for early decision, your application will still be valid and be submitted under General Decision. 

Please note that each GSP application submitted requires an application fee. The Entry 2025 (2026 for Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa)  non-refundable application fee is £250. 

For this application period, you can apply to the following UWC schools: 

You can view brochures for each school by clicking on the school names in the fee table below and in the school selection table.

UWC School or College
Cost of two-year IBDP tuition fees
UWC Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa(Eswatini)

Between USD 30,000 and USD 50,000

UWC East Africa (Tanzania)  

UWC Mahindra College (India)

Between USD 61,000 and USD 80,000
UWC Costa Rica

UWC Dilijan (Armenia)

UWC Maastricht (Netherlands)

UWC Red Cross Nordic (Norway)

Between USD 81,000 and USD 90,000
UWC Changshu China


Pearson College UWC (British Columbia, Canada)

UWC-USA (New Mexico, USA)

UWC Thailand
Between USD 91,000 and USD 110,000

UWC Atlantic (Wales, UK)

Li Po Chun UWC of Hong Kong

Between USD 111,000 and USD 150,000

For more detailed information on the individual school’s tuition fees, please contact the Admissions teams at the relevant schools.

If you have any questions about the application process please find out more information on our website or email 

Good luck with your application!

28 Aug 2024 01:00 PM (CEST)
28 Nov 2024 01:00 PM (CET)